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Casey Patterson & Jake Gibb Share Secret

Now we know…

What sets Casey and Jake apart for many other is their intense workout schedule often lasting 6+ hours a day 5 to 6 days a week. Most would agree this type of training is almost impossible, (Due to lack of recovery time and breakdown of body) but new Stanford backed technology namely; the Core Control Cooling System for Volleyball, has provided the secret to allow these two incredible athletes to push themselves to the limit of what was previously thought as possible!

Core Control Cooling was originally discovered when scientists were researching physical fatigue on the battle field during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. What they realized is that physical overheating of the body can have a massive negative impact on overall performance. Much like a radiator for a car keeps an engine from overheating thus running at optimum performance the Core Control Cooling System does the same thing for the human body.

Stanford research discovered the effects on performance can be as much as a 25% improvement.

In this video see how Casey and Jake use the machine in 3 key areas:

Training on the beach
Training in the Gym / Weight Lifting
During tournaments
For recovery
Improve Sleeping / Rest

For those interested in more information on purchasing the core control cooling machine – Click Here! Enter the Promo Code VB1on1 for a $25 discount! Free Globally!

Keep in mind this product in not new to the market place. This product has been tested successfully in the NFL and NBA. You will see the product used regularly during 49er practices and games as well as by the Golden State Warriors.

Also see what CNET testers had to say about the product when they reviewed it below:

This video is very useful as it shows some of the physical testing behind the product as well how the CNET user benefited from using the product.

This information was brought to you by Andor Gyulai, Owner of Volleyball1on1 offers volleyball information, drills, and instructional volleyball videos. connects players around the world with the sport they love. It is the number one volleyball video tutorial web site in the world featuring the top names in the sport of volleyball offering exclusive access to 1500+ plus exceptional instructional videos for coaches and players. The site provides a unique, respected and influential voice in the larger conversation of volleyball as a sport by working with a variety of highly skilled and specialized top players, including Olympic Gold Medalists, NCAA MVP’s, AVP, and FIVB Winners as contributors to their extensive library of indoor and outdoor volleyball videos, utilizing content from multiple platforms.

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