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Heather Bown Defends Lebron James

Lebron! Heather’s got your back!

A very well said post in regards to Lebron James’ cramping incident a few days ago.

Amen Heather! Amen Heather!

The 2008 Olympic medalist has posted this on her Facebook Fan Page:

“So i was reading on the internet the mocking that is going on of Lebron James after game 1 of the NBA finals. Im not saying i am or am not a fan of his. He has done great things for the sport of basketball, but honestly body cramping is no joke. Yes there were 30 other men on the court that day between the two teams, and Mr. James seemed to be the only one outwardly suffering from cramping, but some bodies just react differently to heat and exhaustion than others.

I remember when was on the National team we had gone for a team retreat in the mountains to do rope climbing and build team closeness and trust. One of our players went into full body cramps from dehydration… there were 12 of us there and only one person was taken out by the heat. It was scary.

We seem to think as athletes we have complete control over our bodies, yes we have the responsibility to take care of ourselves and prepare ourselves the best we can for big games and tournaments. However, sometimes we can not control every moment and how our body will react to different conditions. Yes you can try to train for adverse conditions and distractions. However, somethings you just can’t prepare for.

Personally i know when get charlie-horses (leg cramps) in the middle of the night it is painful, or when i used to swim competitively …getting a leg cramp in the pool you felt like you were going to drown.

I am sure this is nothing to the level that these professional athletes push themselves, so what Lebron experienced in game one is not something to laugh or mock unless you have been in that position. Its a terrible feeling.

So i guess what i am getting at is give the guy some slack. He’s human too.”

<3 We love her even more. On the other hand, Bown's former teammate & San Antonio Spurs fan Destinee Hooker got into a Twitter war with a Heat fan in regards to “name jokes”.

Read the thread below:

@Elnprincess makes a strong point here.

Do not make of someone’s name if YOU get mad when someone does it to you.

Did someone forget about the Golden Rule???

One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself.

@Elnprincess adds…

Kudos to Heather and @Elnprincess for their words!

Any Thoughts?

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