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From Volleyball To Smashbal

For now, it’s a growing sport for kids in The Netherlands.

We have a strong feeling Smashbal will become global in the years to come.


Smashbal, a new volleyball game for young boys and girls, is quickly gaining ground in the Netherlands. The game has four levels and each rally ends with volleyball’s most attractive and challenging technique – the smash.

Smashbal can be played within the outer lines of a badminton court or on half a volleyball court with a C-youth (7m) end line and the 3-metre line functioning as a serve line.
The duration of a rally is predominantly determined by the height of the net. The net height can be set depending on the players’ level of play. The basic rule of the net height is that the top of the net is level with the wrist of an extended arm.

A Smashbal team can comprise two or three persons and the game can also be played in two against three formations.

Watch & Learn:

Smashbal is een volleybalspel waarbij je kunt scoren door de bal hard op de grond te slaan. De bedoeling is om zo hard te slaan dat het andere team de bal niet meer kan vangen. Maar let op: De bal mag een keer op de grond stuiteren, voordat die gevangen wordt!

Bij Smashbal mag je smashen, bovenhands serveren, duiken, rollen en nog veel meer.

Welk team kan het best smashen en wint de wedstrijd?

Smashbal Instructions

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