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Morteza Mehrzad World’s Tallest Volleyball Player

Iranian’s sitting volleyball player Morteza Mehrzad is turning heads in Rio because of his HEIGHT which makes him stand above the rest regardless if he’s playing or not.

10 Things You Need To Know About Morteza:

1. He is the world’s tallest volleyball player at 8 feet and 1 inch (2.46 meters).

2. Morteza is the tallest man in Iran.

3. He has acromegaly which is a condition that results from excess growth hormone (GH) after the growth plates have closed.

4. Five years ago, the sitting volleyball coach of Iran discovered Morteza when he was featured on a TV program featuring people with physical abnormalities and unusual talents.

5. He got into a bike accident at 16 years old and injured his pelvis which has resulted to his right leg to stop growing and be about 6 inches shorter than his left leg.

6. The 28 year old would almost never leave his home because he was ashamed of his abnormal height and acromegaly.

7. He eventually decided to join the team and in March of this year he made his first appearance at a major competition in China.

8. He wears the “#2”.

9. Morteza’s right arm can strike the ball 6 feet 4 inches off the ground.

10. He is now a famous according to his coach.“I will tell you a key word that he used himself. Before he became famous, when he came out of the house, everybody looked at him very strangely. And then now that he’s famous, when he comes out, everyone wants to take a picture. He became a champion.”


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