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Special Diet for Amil

We really hope they could send us a copy of their menu!

coach Ze Roberto’s players have received their diet sheet to help them stay in great physical condition throughout the season. According to the team’s nutritionist, Mirtes Stancanelli, that it’s very player’s responsibility not to overeat.

She says…

“They already have individualized menus, prepared after a thorough analysis of each. They simply need to follow it. But we also ask that they maintain good hydration because dehydration is cumulative and, if they do not pay attention, can dehydrate and this decreases the performance. Thus, two liters of fluid a day is enough.”

The diet consists of 6 routine meals a day, three large to maintain the structure of the body and they will have three more small meals not to feel hungry, and end up eating too much later.

Stancanelli adds…

“It is important that athletes believe that if the person is stopped for a while it’s easier to eat more. Thus, it takes discipline. You must also remember that the food quality is essential. This helps to support the body’s protein synthesis, which is the basis of muscle development. So they will be back to full training, which tend to increase until the end of the Superliga completed.”

Extra! Extra!

To also stay in shape during the Holidays, the season when we gain 2 kilos or more, the staff of Amil has also designed a special workout routine which includes weight training, pilates and aerobic exercises for their athletes.

“We worked so far with strength gain. During the holidays, the goal is to continue this process, because when they come back, we’ll turn that strength for more power and specificity (the technical movements on the court). They will have homework. They should have at least five workouts during these ten days.

They have two major directions: first weight lifting, second to work on posture with pilates. Furthermore, they need to rotate a bit. Here, they do it with ball, they should have 35 to 40 minutes of cardiorespiratory exercises.” says staff member Jose Elias Proenca.


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