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Caring For An Injured Volleyball Teammate

Getting injured sucks. It is everyone’s nightmare.

A friend of mine suffered a very serious injury a few days ago while playing open gym volleyball aka drop in volleyball. The damage? Broken ankle bone and possible some torn ligaments. What’s next? Surgery and recovery which could take several months.

Upon hearing about the incident, I could hardly believe the news. I was shocked and I still am up to this day. It took me a couple of days to absorb it and then I asked myself: How could I be there for Kevin? I need to be there for my friend. I must do something.

He’s going to be away from the volleyball scene for a while but I cannot use it as an excuse not to see him. For me, my volleyball teammates are more than just the people I play with. My teammates are my friends. My teammates are my family. One of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned in life is that family and friends should always be there for each other no matter what. Through thick and thin, we stick together. There’s always a way to make someone feel better and a way to brighten up someone’s day.


So what I usually do when a teammate is hurt? Here’s my list.

STAY IN TOUCH: I don’t want to bother the person on a daily basis. I check with my injured friend every other day or maybe once a week and see how he’s doing.

ONE CALL AWAY: I tell my injured friend that if he ever needs anything, I am just a call or text away. Even the little things count like get him food or maybe go to the store to get something that he needs.

VISIT, VISIT, VISIT: It could get lonely at home during recovery but I never want my friend to feel that everyone is too busy to see him. Paying a visit shows how much you care for someone so I try to visit my injured friend and just talk about things. Keep him updated about our volleyball circle. Make him feel like he’s still part of the team.

STAY STRONG AND STAY POSITIVE: It can get depressing to be away from volleyball so I always tell my injured friend that volleyball can wait and volleyball will wait for him. He needs to focus on his recovery. As for me, I may sound cheesy but I make it a point to share positive words like “It’s not about the fall, it’s always about the comeback”,“we are here for you” and “we look forward to playing with you again”.

THE GIFT OF ACTIVE ANKLE: I reached out to Active Ankle and see if they could help me brighten up Kevin’s day with one of their ankle braces. Luckily, they granted my request. I want this gift to make Kevin feel that the love he has for volleyball is NOT over despite the extent of his injury. May this brace add some extra fuel to his determination to return to volleyball. When he wears this brace, I sure hope that it would remind him of what he’s been through. He may have doubts when he return to volleyball but I hope that he feels a sense of protection wearing the brace. Most of all, this gift defines our volleyball friendship which is to be there for each other.


If I get hurt or injured, I want my friends to do these for me. I don’t expect them to do a lot of things. As long as I know that they are still there for me though I’m away from volleyball, then it means so much to me. To know that you’re still part of the team psychologically and emotionally helps you recover.

Kevin, I sure hope you remain in a happy place as you recover. Getting injured is part of the sport we both love but just know that your volleyball friends are here for you. Being a part of a true volleyball team is like marriage to me. We make a vow that …

For better or for worse,
For richer, or for poorer,
In sickness and in health.
We promise to love everyone on the team and be there for each other for as long as we shall live.

Now if you know someone who is injured, I hope this story inspires you to reach out to that friend and make that person feel that you’re there for him or for her.

Volleyball is life – we all know that.

Most of all, volleyball is family. Always remember that.



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