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Conditioning for Volleyball


How to Train for Volleyball Tryouts?

Conditioning for volleyball tryouts should consist of a careful balance of cardio, strength training, and plyometrics. If you train for tryouts using a combination of all three, you will have both speed and strength before the season even starts.

Here’s a break down of the ideal way to train for volleyball tryouts using jumping plyometrics, strength training, and cardio.

Conditioning for the sport: Cardio

With a lot of sports tryouts, the coaches typically spend the whole first week simply weeding out those individuals who are not willing to push themselves hard. They manage to do this with copious amounts of cardio in the form of laps, sprints, and even running bleachers.

The best cardio conditioning is jumping on the treadmill 3-4 days a week for roughly 45 minutes at a time and using intervals to boost your lung capacity and stamina.

Here’s what your cardio routine should look like:

Warm up: 5 Minutes walking
3 Minutes jogging or running
2 Minutes walking briskly
Repeat for the next 35 minutes to complete a 45 minute cardio session.

Adjust the intervals to your fitness level.

For example, if you are new to jogging or running, you might want to start with a shorter jogging interval; 1 minute jogging and 3 minutes walking, for example. Start conditioning at least 1 month prior to the beginning of the season.

Conditioning for Volleyball: Plyometrics

Plyometrics teach your muscles to react quickly and with explosive speed. They can help you jump higher and increase your overall speed on the court because of the way that the exercises stretch, and then quickly contract the muscles.

To make plyometric workouts part of your conditioning, do either of the routines below two times a week on the days where you have done the cardio workout described above.

Conditioning for your Sport: Strength Training

Strength training will make you an all around stronger player. If you train for volleyball tryouts by doing a strength training routine 3-4 days a week, you are going to find that you can hit and approach the net with much more power.

You don’t necessarily need to lift heavy weights. In fact, certain bodyweight exercises strengthen the entire body, as well as increase your balance and coordination.

Always remember to stretch well after every workout. Maintaining flexibility is important for avoiding injuries that might keep you off the court. Nutrition is also important for ensuring that you have ample energy to make it through rigorous practices and long games.

How to Jump Higher for Volleyball – Volleyball Plyometrics Workout

Plyometric exercises increase strength and explosive speed, while reducing reaction time. Volleyball plyometrics will help you move faster on the court, and jump higher at the net.

Leg Plyometrics Exercises are going to be a huge asset to your volleyball training plan. Doing the exercises regularly can help you gain the vertical jump to be a better blocker and hitter, and can also make you a better defensive player because you will have the speed and agility to cover more of the court. If you want to not only make the team, but be a starter for the team, this routine can help you increase your chances for both.

How to do this Program: Do each exercise for 15 repetitions. Do the entire thing 2-3 times through. Ideally you should start doing workouts like this at least 2 months before your season starts.

15 Minutes of Cardio – Warm up first

15 Knee Tuck Jumps

15 Lateral Jumps

15 Mountain Climbers

15 Broad Jumps

15 Burpees

15 Squat Jacks

15 Agility Dots

15 Squat Jumps

Cool Down and Stretch

To keep yourself from getting bored and your muscles and gains from hitting a plateau, you can also do any of the following workouts below 2-3 times a week in conjunction with cardio and bodyweight exercises in order to jump higher. To make the plyometrics even more effective, wear a weighted vest while you do the exercises.

Leg Plyometrics Exercises/ Best Plyometrics Jumping Drills

Tryouts can be really rough; coaches often try to pummel people trying out for the team with a ton of cardio. You can be ready for the brutal cardio and make it more likely that you make the team by training before the season even starts. Read Conditioning for Volleyball to learn how to get in the best shape for the sport.

These plyometrics exercises should only be done on even ground to avoid sprains and injuries. Never do the exercises on concrete as the impact can be rough on joints.


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